Forest Fauna Population in Uganda


In the northern part of Kibale National Park in Uganda, the FoFauPopU (Forest, Fauna, Population in Uganda) project aims to respond to the conflict situation between humans and wildlife. On the one hand, baboons, chimpanzees and elephants looting farmers' fields and gardens on the edge of the park; on the other hand, local communities affected by poverty and malnutrition, and small-scale farmers and tea companies using chemical inputs that are harmful to the health of people, as well as the forest ecosystem and its wildlife. As a result of these territorial conflicts: 1/3 of chimpanzees have amputated limbs, indirect victims of traps set for capturing game, in a country where hunting is prohibited; 25% of chimpanzees and many baboons also have facial malformations and a significant percentage of sterility in females.

In order to restore a viable balance between the economic and social development of the region and the protection of biodiversity, the FoFauPopU project focuses on three main activities:

1. Strengthening the collective governance of the riparian communities and institutions involved in order to manage resources sustainably and thus contribute to reducing poverty and food insecurity and preserving biodiversity ;

2. Reducing conflicts and nuisances between humans and wildlife;

3. To develop and enhance the economic value of organic production and fair trade in crops, in particular in order to limit human and animal health problems and to encourage people to collaborate in preserving the environment.